Select your sponsorship commitment in the shop
1 - Charity Event Sponsor mention and Logo advertisement
2 - Full page ad in game day program
3 - Web page advertisement
4 - Admission table advertisement on pop up
5 - Game night announcements
6 - Table advertisement in Social club
7 - 2 seasons passes and 50 adult wrist bands
8 - One Home game sponsorship spotlight (puck drop and guests)
1 - Charity Event Sponsor mention and Logo advertisement
2 - ½ page ad in game day program
3 - Web page advertisement
4 - Admission table advertisement on pop up
5 - Game night announcements
6 - Table advertisement in Social club
7 - 2 season passes and 25 adult wrist bands
8 - One Home game sponsorship spotlight (puck drop and guests)
1 - ¼ page ad in game day program
2 - Web page advertisement
3 - Admission table advertisement on pop up
4 - Game night announcements
5 - 1 season pass and 10 adult wrist bands
1 - Business card sized ad in game day program
2 - Web page logo
3 - Admission table advertisement on pop up
4 - Game night announcements
5 - 1 season pass
( 3 available)
1 - Logo on the back side of 200 official game pucks
2 - Business mentioned during in game announcements
3 - Business mentioned every time puck leaves play
Options of-
1 - Logo on player apparel T-shirt or shorts
2 - Logo on player sweaters
1 - 10 Game passes honorary puck drop and business profile
2 - Business name on back of puck
3 - Dressing room visit with players
4 - Game night announcements advertisement
1-Game night announcements
2-Full table advertisement
3-Logo on admission pop up
1 - Logo on lower back of home and away jersey per number
1 - Logo on the player team track suits
1 - Logo on the upper middle back of jerseys
1 - provides food and fun for the kids
2 - mentioned during intermission of the game
3 - dressing room visit with minor hockey team during intermission
4 - 4 Adult game passes
1 - Business mentioned in game night announcements
2 - Business mentioned as the official sponsor of the Paris Titans Powerplay
1 - Business mentioned in game night announcements
2 - Business mentioned as official sponsor of the Paris Titans Penalty Kill
( 21 away games available)
1 - Have your company logo displayed on The Titans away game pregame social media posts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).
2 - Listed on The Paris Titans webpage for the Sponsor list
1 - Have your company logo appear on social media posts for the Titans playoff round. Sponsorship includes 10 playoff passes and an official sponsor game announcement each period. Guaranteed 2 games per round. Payment is not required until the beginning of the playoff round.
2 - Listed on The Paris Titans webpage for the Sponsor list
( 21 home games available)
1 - For each Titans home game covered by 519 Sports online your company will be promoted as the sponsor for that game (video, social media).
2 - Listed on The Paris Titans webpage for the Sponsor list
This advertisement is a business card (2” x 3.75”) in our program.
1 - Business card ad
2 - Regular season - Home game tickets
This advertisement is a 1/4 page (3.75” x 4”) in our program.
1 - Quarter page ad
2 - Regular season - Home game tickets
This advertisement is a full page (7.5”x10”) in our program.
1 - Full page ad
This advertisement is a 1/2 page (5”x7.5”) in our program.
1 - Half page ad
2 - Regular season - Home game tickets
This advertisement is a full page (7.5”x10”) in our program.
1 - Full page ad
2 - Regular season - Home game tickets
This advertisement is a full page (7.5”x10”) in our program.
1 - Full page ad
This advertisement is a full page (7.5”x10”) in our program.
1 - Full page ad
This advertisement is a full page (7.5”x10”) in our program.
1 - Full page ad